Welcome to the Poole and District Fishermen’s Association
Poole and District Fishermen’s Association has over 90
members and can trace its origins back to a 1903
agreement when the fishermen of Poole were granted the
right to use an area to the East of Town Quay.
PDFA are responsible for the management of the Fish
Landing Area, the Fishermen’s Slipway and the 120 berth
Fishermen’s Boat Haven. They act as agents for Poole
Harbour Commissioners in the collection of dues and
mooring fees.
PDFA members include potters, netters, clam dredgers,
worm draggers, angling and dive charters and shellfish
There are 79 registered fishing vessels operating from
Poole Harbour. Half of these pursue the clam and cockle
fishery and the rest of the fleet are day boats using
static nets and pots to catch crab, lobster, sole,
plaice, bass, mullet and whelks.
Several barges and workboats are based at the Boat
Haven, servicing the shellfish farms in the Harbour.
Approximately 25 charter boats work from Poole, making
it one the most popular angling destinations in the
country, due to the ease of access and diversity of
PDFA exists to support it’s members in their commercial
endeavours and to represent their views at a local and
national level. PDFA has good contacts within the
government departments and NGO’s that oversee the
fishing industry and PDFA always partakes in the
consultation process when legislative changes are